Psst…did you hear?
The TYFPC is looking for new council members!
What does it mean to be a council member you ask?
Check out TYFPC 101 to see what the council’s all about and our MOU to see what is expected of each council member.
To qualify you must:
- Like food
- Be between the ages of 16 – 30
- Live in Toronto
- Be available the first Monday evening of every month
To apply, please attend our September 12th Community meeting at Metro Hall (Rm 314), and submit an application package to tyfpcapplications(at)gmail.com by September 19th at midnight.
And remember, being a TYFPC Council Member isn’t your only opportunity to be involved with the TYFPC! There are numerous other ways, including:
- Attending or organizing bi-monthly Community Meetings and events
- Becoming a member of one of the TYFPC’s Committees
- Inviting the TYFPC to speak at your event