Monday, July 14 at 6pm.
Come and chat about food and the upcoming municipal election and eat some watermelon at the Dallington Pollinators Community Garden, 39 Glentworth Road (map and directions below). If it is raining, we have a second, indoor location: Oriole Food Space (2975 Don Mills Rd W).
The TYFPC is hosting its first picnic discussion group to talk about what is happening in Don Valley East (Ward 33) and how to get involved in food projects, the local community, and the upcoming municipal election. Meet some community members and learn about your neighbourhood!
This event will include a few informal presentations from local leaders, as well as opportunities to discuss what interests you.
Some snacks will be provided. If you are able, please bring a snack to share! You may also want a blanket to sit on.
Please note: There is no washroom at the garden.
RSVP on our Facebook event! If you have questions or would like to know more about this event, please contact Kaylen, Advocacy Committee Co-lead, at We are also hoping to host more political potluck picnics in other communities! If you would like to have one in your community, please contact us!
Dallington Pollinators Community Garden is located in Dallington Park at 39 Glentworth Rd, near Leslie and Shepard. The nearest subway station is Don Mills Station. Dallington Park is quite large and the community garden is located in the northeast corner. See the map for the community garden location: X marks the spot!
Rain location: If there is a downpour of rain, we will instead be meeting at the Oriole Food Space. The Oriole Food Space is located inside the Oriole Community Centre at Don Mills Road just north of Sheppard Avenue: 2975 Don Mills Rd W. The Oriole Food Space is also just north of Don Mills Station.
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