Earlier this month we were excited to officially launch the second issue of Gathering, which you can find here. We celebrated the launch with a party at the CSI Regent Park, in the Daniels Spectrum. We spent a lively and thought-provoking evening discussing the publishing process and gaps in food research that need to be addressed. Joel Fridman, one of the TYFPC’s Education Committee leads last year and an instrumental force in publishing this issue, spoke about the process of editing and publishing Gathering; Genevieve Fullan, who contributed an article to this issue about the need for a systems approach to Student Nutrition Programs in Ontario, spoke about her experiences having her work published; and Julia Cottle and Margaret Bancerz who sat on the editorial board gave us their perspective on the editing process. Wally Seccombe, one of Everdale’s founders and a long-time Toronto Food Policy Council member, and Anne Freeman, manager of the Dufferin Grove Farmers’ Market and the coordinator for the Toronto Farmers’ Market Network, spoke about the importance and challenges of reporting on food research back to the communities that are involved, in addition to general audiences.
Of course, with the publishing of one issue of Gathering, we are beginning work on the next issue! You can find more information here. We are also excited to announce that we are beginning a new journal featuring creative works about food. You can find more information about that here. If you have any questions or suggestions, please email us at journal@tyfpc.ca.