October 2012 Community Meeting: City Update

On October 15th, community members met at Metro Hall for the first TYFPC community meeting of the 2012-2013 year. As the TYFPC enters its fourth year, we’re excited to present our focus/priorities for this year; our council member team (see here); and the formation of new committees with tons of exciting volunteer opportunities (see here).

Chair Michelle Macintosh and vice-chair Sasha McNicoll presented a city update, with key priorities and how the TYFPC will move forward in engaging, supporting, and pushing for good food policy.

The TYFPC sees three current municipal food policy priorities:

  1. Updating the City’s Official Plan (adding specific language regarding Urban Agriculture; highlighting access to healthy food to include a food map; as well as, references to job and economic development related to food)
  2. Street/Mobile Food (both fresh food markets and prepared street food)
  3. Urban Agriculture (GrowTO, Soil Safety Guide, and rules around selling food grown in the city)
Other municipal policy priorities we see as being crucial include: Hospital Food; Communications; Community Kitchen/Kitchen Incubators; Municipal Food Policy Paper; Supporting the Toronto Food Strategy Team; and strengthening the TFPC-TYFPC Relationship.
Our approach to engaging, supporting and pushing for good food policies will be through:
  • Putting forth our intentions and developing a clear mandate
  • Identify issues based on our criteria (for example: advocacy, youth engagement, diversity, and urban agriculture)
  • Provide organization, support and energy to our community partners and initiatives
  • Connecting with our community: what is important to you?

To download their full presentation, see here.


Job and Opportunities Board:

  • Volunteer: Help map commercial kitchen spaces in Toronto. Will be shared online on Food Forward’s website. Contact Emily at emartyn@hscorp.ca
  • Powershift: Climate, justice, convergence in Ottawa on October 26-29 (bus going from Toronto). Email powershift@gmail.com for more information
  • Join the Gardener’s caucus @potatoshift
  • Free creative cooking class – Thursday 5-7PM (followed by human rights class 7-9PM) at 888 Dupont Street. Information at www.freescool.com


For more photos, see our facebook page www.facebook.com/TorontoYOUTHFoodPolicyCouncil

The next community meeting will be on Monday, December 3rd. Stay tuned for more details! If you have any questions, please email us at tYouthfpc@gmail.com.

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