Everything you ever wanted to know… about local food systems!

Monday, May 7th, 2012, 6-8pm
Metro Hall, Rm. 314

Join us for the last community meeting of the year. What do we need to do to co-create a local food system that is truly just and sustainable for all stakeholders?
Join us as we explore the what, where, when, how, and why’s of our local food system – through the eyes of growers, processors, consumers, and policy makers.

Presenters Include:

  1. Rod MacRae, Associate Professor, Faculty of Environment Studies, York University
  2. Lauren Baker, Coordinator, Toronto Food Policy Council
  3. Jamie Reaume, Executive Director, Holland Marsh Growers Association
  4. Carly Dunster, Food Lawyer, CD Lawyer

Audience Q & A to follow presentations.


The TYFPC is also looking for new council members, and a co-chair! Come to the meeting for more information!


Join the facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/418878608122731/

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