Dance, shout, and rally to show your support ahead of International Day for the Eradication of Poverty!
Reporting on 2013 Revenue Canada data, the Toronto Star has recently found that child poverty rates remain at over 40 percent in 18 of Toronto’s 140 neighbourhoods. The City was dubbed the “Child poverty capital of Canada”, placing pressure on the final Poverty Reduction Strategy to be released Tuesday by City Council.
Poverty is a daily reality that seems to have been swept under the carpet in this year’s federal election campaigns. But it’s not too late to raise your voice ahead vote day! Jane Finch Action Against Poverty has been using direct action, education, and community outreach to put a voice to this critical issue. Come out to Friday’s street rally and support JFAAP’s demands to federal candidates.
Jane Finch Action Against Poverty (JFAAP) is inviting community, labour and social justice organizations across the City to join us in a rally and march against poverty on Friday, October 16, 2015.
JFAAP was formally formed after a local rally on the occasion of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty on October 17, 2008 at the intersection of Jane and Finch.
This year’s JFAAP’s day of action will focus on our 7th anniversary as well as the federal election and the continuing disregard of the worsening conditions of the working class as a whole, particularly people on low income, seniors, new immigrants, refugees, migrant workers and racialized communities in Toronto and across Canada. We will highlight the importance of grassroots resistance to austerity and policies that serve class interests of the rich against the poor.
There will be live music, theatre performances, spoken words, speeches and more. We will serve healthy and nutritious food at Driftwood Community Centre after 6 pm.
We are requesting any or all of the following assistance:
– Promote the event in any way you can. You can post, copy and distribute flyers, take it to community programs and schools, post it on your websites, facebooks and so on.
– Attend the rally and march on October 16th.
– Bring banners, placards, drums and other musical instruments, etc.
– Call on grassroots groups, community organizations and unions to support this rally and join in.
Thank you all so much. Please contact us if you have any questions or need more information.
In Solidarity,
Jane Finch Action Against Poverty (JFAAP)
Jane Street Rally Against Poverty
Friday, October 16, 2015
Start time: rally at 4:00 pm – Jane and Finch intersection
JOIN US for Drums, Live Music, Dancing, Placards… and so much more!
4:00 pm Rally at SE corner Jane & Finch
5:00 pm March from the corner of Jane & Finch to the Driftwood Community Centre (4401 Jane St.)
6:00 pm to 8pm: Dinner, performances & speeches on the occasion ofInt’l Day for the Eradication of Poverty & JFAAP’s 7th Anniversary
2015 Federal election and our demands:
· Guaranteed minimum annual income so no one lives in poverty
· National Childcare programs to guarantee affordable childcare for all
· Housing for all: Ending homelessness & creating affordable Housing
· Status for All: No One is Illegal
· Minimum wage increase
· Secure retirement & better pensions for seniors
· End austerity measures & cuts to social services & community programs
· Affordable healthy food for all
· Stop tar sands pipelines and other environmental destructions caused by governments and corporations
**Childcare available**
Organized by Jane Finch Action Against Poverty