February Community Meeting – February 4th- Innovations in Institutional Local Food Procurement Strategies

Date: Monday February 4th, 2013
Location: Wilson Hall, New College, UofT – 40 Willcocks St.
Time: 6-8pm

Refreshments will be provided!

The sourcing of fresh and healthy food is a topic that has gained momentum recently in Toronto and across Ontario as more and more people realize the importance of self-sustainability and access to healthy food in our cities. In supporting local economies and creating relationships and communities between farmers and urban institutions the localization movement has taken off in Toronto. Restaurants have sprung up across the city that advertise local fare and grocery stores are being stocked with more local produce with every new growing season. How can we foster this trend and this move towards self-sustainability and localization in our public institutions and what is already being done in this area? What can we do to support this movement?

Panel includes:
Ravenna Nuaimy-Barker (Director, Sustain Ontario)
Don Mills (President, Local Food Plus)
Joshna Maharaj (Chef and food activist)
Jaco Lokker (Director of Food Services, UofT)

To be moderated by Lori Stahlbrand (Founder of Local Food Plus)

Let us know you’re coming on facebook!
A video on institutional Procurement and why innovation matters.

Other resources will be added.


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