Discussion Meet-Up February 25: Food and the Upcoming Municipal Election

Come to the CSI Coffee Pub on Tuesday, February 25 at 6:00pm to discuss the upcoming municipal election and help us move our election project forward.

Our project has three stages:

  1. Ask youth what food issues they would like to talk to their municipal government candidates about.
  2. Based on what we hear, ask for candidate positions on a few key food issues.
  3. Present the candidate responses back to youth to help them make informed election decisions.

We are currently working on stage 1 (if you haven’t already, please fill out the survey) and researching how best to go about stage 2. At this discussion we will be brainstorming ideas and also looking for volunteers to take on some tasks related to this project. To read more about what we’ve accomplished so far, read the summary from our last meeting.

You can RSVP for this event on Facebook or by emailing kfredrickson@tyfpc.ca.

If you have any questions or would like more information about this project, please contact Kaylen, Advocacy Committee Co-Lead, at kfredrickson@tyfpc.ca.

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